Nine Ways to Maintain Mental Health While Social Distancing

A picture of a person sitting at a bar alone to represent social distancing. Theresa Leskowat offers online therapy for anxiety, therapy for stress reduction, treating PTSD and trauma, treating depression, divorce counseling, and therapy for perfect…

Humans are meant to be with one another. Research shows that connection is one of the big drivers of happiness. So what do you do when you are social isolating to maintain a big of sanity? I have compiled a list of things you can do to help promote positive mental health even while staying in.

Read a Book 

Take this extra time in as a time to read for enjoyment or read to be able to learn something new. This can be a great time to choose to grow you mind. How often do we just get so busy that we don’t have time to read? Well look at that, now you do!




It can be hard to simply be with ourselves. Look at this time as a time you get to spend quality time with the most important person in your life, yourself! Slow down, check in, see how you are doing. Write about it.




A picture of a girl sitting in front of her window with her eyes close as if meditating. Theresa Leskowat teaches her clients to manage anxiety through natural techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, and yoga.

Studies have shown that often humans would choose to receive an electric shock rather than sit with themselves and their thoughts. Sitting with yourself is a skill. This may be a great time to develop that skill and muscle. And this is a skill that be extremely valuable even when it is time to begin socializing again.


Call a Friend or Family member


As mentioned before, we are not meant to live life alone. Community matters. Get creative in finding ways to connect with people even when you can not be with them. Maybe you give them a call, hang out via facetime, send them a thoughtful text, or write them a letter. 


Do something creative


Let your creative juices flow! Take some time to write, draw, paint, color, build, knit, or whittle! Don’t know how to whittle? Now may just be the time to learn! 


Go for a walk


A picture of some grass and an individual’s feet while they walk on a path. Theresa Leskowat provides therapy for anxiety, therapy for trauma, therapy for PTSD, therapy for depression, therapy for perfectionists, therapy for divorce, and therapy to …

The days are starting to get longer and the temperatures are starting to warm up, you don’t have to be stuck inside. Sometimes social distancing and the lack of being able to go out and about can make it feel like we are living in a perpetual snow storm, but the great news is that we are not! Get outside, soak up some sunshine, and go for a walk.


Do some yoga


A number of yoga studios are beginning to figure out ways to offer classes online. Bring some mindful movements to your body by finding an online class. There is also a great yoga app, Downward Dog that is also a great resource. 


Find Speical Offerings Online


Some museums are offering online virtual tours and the Metropolian Opera ( is offering online opera. What a great way to still find some culture even while being at home!


Find a Telehealth Therapist


If you want to have some additional support during this crazy time, find a therapist who offers online sessions. Or if you simply want to truly spend your extra time doing that internal work of learning about yourself, sitting with yourself and choosing to grow. How cool that you can get that professional support from the comfort of your own home! With your therapist you can set goals and actively work to accomplish them, how great to have growth and movement even while physically being still. 

A picture of Theresa Leskowat a mental health therapist on East Blvd in Charlotte. Theresa provides counseling for anxiety, counseling for depression, counseling for Trauma, counseling for PTSD, counseling to manage anxiety, and counseling for perfe…

Charlotte Therapist

Theresa Leskowat MS LCMHC is owner of Clear Vista Counseling in Dilworth area of Charlotte, NC. Theresa also offers online therapy. Theresa specializes in treating anxiety, managing stress, managing perfectionism, treating depression, as well as therapy for trauma and PTSD.